The top part of each cell in the "IMP/MFR" column contains the acronym or abbreviation of the IMPORTER / MANUFACTURER of the model.

The first 3 letters specify the importer, separated by a slash mark; the second 3 letters specify the manufacturer.

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When the manufacturer is not known, that section of the cell is left blank, or the country of origin is stated.

Copyright Compilation - All rights reserved.


AHMAssociated Hobby Manufacturers1962-1978
AKAAkane Model Railroad Company1958-1964
ALCALCO Models1967-1983
ALPAlpha Brass1984-1985
AMBAmerican Brass1981-1986
ARIAristo-Craft Distinctive Miniatures1957-1966
ASMAssociated Models1956
AWEA.W. Enterprises, 1999
BALBalboa Scale Models1964-1974
BBMBerg's Brass Models.
BCMBeaver Creek Models1988-1989
BIMBeach Island Manufacturing Co..
BLWBerlyn Locomotive Works, Inc..
CASCascade Models.
CB Custom Brass (N.J. International)1972-1985
CCMClassic Construction Models1989-Date
CILChallenger Imports, Ltd.1990-2005
CLWCentral Locomotive Worksca. 2004
CONContinental Models1958-1959
CY The Coach YardCurrent
DM Diamond Models1964-1965
DVPDivision Point, Inc.1999-Date
E&PE&P Associates.
EGLEagle Imports2002-2003
EMPEmpire Midland Model Company1978-1980
ERLErie Limitedca. 1992
ESCESCMRA Company1990-1991
F&GFrew & Gordon, Ltd.1964-1967
FEDFar East Distributors1971-1976
FLZFlying Zoo1983-1989
FOMFomras Brass Models1981-Date
FTMFairfield Traction Models1967-1980
FULFulgerex (Swiss).
GBFGreat Brass Fleet1980-1990
GEMGem Models1958-1982
GHBG.H.B. International1980-1989
GHCG.H.C. Companyca. 1959
GPMGlacier Park ModelsCurrent
GSBG.S.B. Rail, 1983
GWLGreat Western Locomotive Works.
H4WHouse of Four Windsca. 1959
HALHallmark Models, Inc.1968-1988
HICHigh Country Brass.
HITDavid Hitt.
HMWHuntington Model Worksca. 1968
HOTHO Train Companyca. 1962
IHMIron Horse Models (PSC)Current
IMLImperial Models.
IMPInternational Model Products1954-1960
INTInternational Models, Inc.1950-1962
JMSJ.M.S. Industriesca. 1975
JOWJoe Works1982-1983
KAWKaw Valley Scale Modelsca. 1965
KEMKemtronca. 1957
KENKen Kidder Railroad Models1956-1971
KEYKey ImportsCurrent
KIRKirlin Scale Models.
KMBKiss Modellbahnen (Germany).
LAMLambert Associates1970-1979
LEMLemaco (Swiss).
LMBL.M. Blum Models1958-1984
LMCLematec (Swiss)Current
MAXMax Gray1962-1965
MBAM.B. Austin1956-1966
MCWMilwaukee Car Worksca. 1980
MDWModels West1971-1984
MDXModX (G.Series)1984-1985
METMetro Models.
MEWModel Engineering Works1960-1972
MMKMicro-Metakit (Germany)Current
MTLModel Traction Linesca. 1964
MTMMidwest Trolley Museum, 1977
MTSMTS ImportsCurrent
NBLThe North Bank Line2008-Date
NERNew England Rail Service1985-1989
NORNorthern Imports1981-1983
NPPNickle Plate Products1972-1987
NWINorthwest Imports.
NWSNorthwest Short Line1959-1980
O&WO&W Car Company.
OLXOlympic Expressca. 1960
OMIOverland Models, Inc.Current
ORIOriental Limited1979-1989
OWSOriginal Whistle Stop, Inc..
PCCPalace Car Company.
PCHPro Custom Hobbiesca. 1986
PCMPrecision Craft ModelsCurrent
PFMPacific Fast Mail1954-Date
PPKPacific Pike (F&G)1964-1966
PRBPecos River Brass.
PRGParagon ModelsCa. 1958
PRMPrecision MiniaturesCa. 1961
PSCPrecision Scale Company, Inc.1979-Date
PSMPerfect Scale ModelsCa. 1967
PTRPacific TractionCa. 1967
QCCQ-Car Company.
RCLRail Classics2000-2004
REDRed Ball1962-1972
RWCRailway Classics2000-2004
SHDSattler's HO DepotCa. 1960
SHHSignal House HobbiesCa. 1974
SNDSun DancerCa. 1988
SOHS. Soho & Company1969-1978
SSLShorham Shops, Ltd.1998-2000
SSSSouth Shore Scale Models.
SUNSunset Models, Inc.1975-Date
SYDE. Suydam & Company1957-1976
TAKTakaraCa. 1961
TCWThe Car WorksCurrent
TMSTetsudo Mokei Sha.
TRNTrains, Inc.1966-1969
TSSTrackside Specialties1966-1968
USHU.S. Hobbies.
VANVan Hobbies, Inc.1973-Date
W&RW&R EnterprisesCurrent
WASWestern Aero SupplyCa. 1957
WMCWestside Model Company1964-1982
WPCW.P. Car Corporation.