HELP WINDOWTOPIC: " IMP/ "The top part of each cell in the "IMP/MFR" column contains the acronym or abbreviation of the IMPORTER / MANUFACTURER of the model.The first 3 letters specify the importer, separated by a slash mark; the second 3 letters specify the manufacturer. (More . . .) When the manufacturer is not known, that section of the cell is left blank, or the country of origin is stated.Copyright Compilation - All rights reserved. |
AHM | Associated Hobby Manufacturers | 1962-1978 |
AKA | Akane Model Railroad Company | 1958-1964 |
ALC | ALCO Models | 1967-1983 |
ALP | Alpha Brass | 1984-1985 |
AMB | American Brass | 1981-1986 |
ARI | Aristo-Craft Distinctive Miniatures | 1957-1966 |
ASM | Associated Models | 1956 |
AWE | A.W. Enterprises, Inc. | ca. 1999 |
BAL | Balboa Scale Models | 1964-1974 |
BBM | Berg's Brass Models | . |
BCM | Beaver Creek Models | 1988-1989 |
BIM | Beach Island Manufacturing Co. | . |
BLW | Berlyn Locomotive Works, Inc. | . |
CAS | Cascade Models | . |
CB | Custom Brass (N.J. International) | 1972-1985 |
CCM | Classic Construction Models | 1989-Date |
CIL | Challenger Imports, Ltd. | 1990-2005 |
CLW | Central Locomotive Works | ca. 2004 |
CON | Continental Models | 1958-1959 |
CY | The Coach Yard | Current |
DM | Diamond Models | 1964-1965 |
DVP | Division Point, Inc. | 1999-Date |
E&P | E&P Associates | . |
EGL | Eagle Imports | 2002-2003 |
EMP | Empire Midland Model Company | 1978-1980 |
ERL | Erie Limited | ca. 1992 |
ESC | ESCMRA Company | 1990-1991 |
F&G | Frew & Gordon, Ltd. | 1964-1967 |
FED | Far East Distributors | 1971-1976 |
FLZ | Flying Zoo | 1983-1989 |
FOM | Fomras Brass Models | 1981-Date |
FTM | Fairfield Traction Models | 1967-1980 |
FUL | Fulgerex (Swiss) | . |
GBF | Great Brass Fleet | 1980-1990 |
GEM | Gem Models | 1958-1982 |
GHB | G.H.B. International | 1980-1989 |
GHC | G.H.C. Company | ca. 1959 |
GPM | Glacier Park Models | Current |
GSB | G.S.B. Rail, Ltd. | ca. 1983 |
GWL | Great Western Locomotive Works | . |
H4W | House of Four Winds | ca. 1959 |
HAL | Hallmark Models, Inc. | 1968-1988 |
HIC | High Country Brass | . |
HIT | David Hitt | . |
HMW | Huntington Model Works | ca. 1968 |
HOT | HO Train Company | ca. 1962 |
IHM | Iron Horse Models (PSC) | Current |
IML | Imperial Models | . |
IMP | International Model Products | 1954-1960 |
INT | International Models, Inc. | 1950-1962 |
JMS | J.M.S. Industries | ca. 1975 |
JOW | Joe Works | 1982-1983 |
KAW | Kaw Valley Scale Models | ca. 1965 |
KEM | Kemtron | ca. 1957 |
KEN | Ken Kidder Railroad Models | 1956-1971 |
KEY | Key Imports | Current |
KIR | Kirlin Scale Models | . |
KMB | Kiss Modellbahnen (Germany) | . |
KOP | Koppel | . |
LAM | Lambert Associates | 1970-1979 |
LEM | Lemaco (Swiss) | . |
LMB | L.M. Blum Models | 1958-1984 |
LMC | Lematec (Swiss) | Current |
MAX | Max Gray | 1962-1965 |
MBA | M.B. Austin | 1956-1966 |
MCW | Milwaukee Car Works | ca. 1980 |
MDW | Models West | 1971-1984 |
MDX | ModX (G.Series) | 1984-1985 |
MET | Metro Models | . |
MEW | Model Engineering Works | 1960-1972 |
MMK | Micro-Metakit (Germany) | Current |
MTL | Model Traction Lines | ca. 1964 |
MTM | Midwest Trolley Museum, Inc. | ca. 1977 |
MTS | MTS Imports | Current |
NBL | The North Bank Line | 2008-Date |
NER | New England Rail Service | 1985-1989 |
NOR | Northern Imports | 1981-1983 |
NOZ | Nozawa | . |
NPP | Nickle Plate Products | 1972-1987 |
NWI | Northwest Imports | . |
NWS | Northwest Short Line | 1959-1980 |
O&W | O&W Car Company | . |
OLX | Olympic Express | ca. 1960 |
OMI | Overland Models, Inc. | Current |
ORI | Oriental Limited | 1979-1989 |
OWS | Original Whistle Stop, Inc. | . |
PBL | PBL Brass | . |
PCC | Palace Car Company | . |
PCH | Pro Custom Hobbies | ca. 1986 |
PCM | Precision Craft Models | Current |
PFM | Pacific Fast Mail | 1954-Date |
PPK | Pacific Pike (F&G) | 1964-1966 |
PRB | Pecos River Brass | . |
PRG | Paragon Models | Ca. 1958 |
PRM | Precision Miniatures | Ca. 1961 |
PSC | Precision Scale Company, Inc. | 1979-Date |
PSM | Perfect Scale Models | Ca. 1967 |
PTR | Pacific Traction | Ca. 1967 |
QCC | Q-Car Company | . |
RCL | Rail Classics | 2000-2004 |
RED | Red Ball | 1962-1972 |
RWC | Railway Classics | 2000-2004 |
RWK | Railworks | 1989-2004 |
SHD | Sattler's HO Depot | Ca. 1960 |
SHH | Signal House Hobbies | Ca. 1974 |
SND | Sun Dancer | Ca. 1988 |
SOH | S. Soho & Company | 1969-1978 |
SSL | Shorham Shops, Ltd. | 1998-2000 |
SSS | South Shore Scale Models | . |
SUN | Sunset Models, Inc. | 1975-Date |
SYD | E. Suydam & Company | 1957-1976 |
TAK | Takara | Ca. 1961 |
TCW | The Car Works | Current |
TEN | Tenshodo | 1949-Date |
TMS | Tetsudo Mokei Sha | . |
TOM | Tomalco | . |
TRN | Trains, Inc. | 1966-1969 |
TSS | Trackside Specialties | 1966-1968 |
USH | U.S. Hobbies | . |
VAN | Van Hobbies, Inc. | 1973-Date |
W&R | W&R Enterprises | Current |
WAS | Western Aero Supply | Ca. 1957 |
WMC | Westside Model Company | 1964-1982 |
WPC | W.P. Car Corporation | . |